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Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association (CJGSA)

Welcome to the EKU Criminal Justice Graduate Program. We are going to have a productive and awesome year. If you have questions, please feel free to email one of the members of the executive board. Be sure to attend the GSA functions, where you can get to know your fellow students and department faculty. 

For more information about student organizations visit:

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) provides opportunities for student participation and leadership in the program.  Recent events sponsored by GSA include:

  • Weekly Brown Bag Seminars with faculty speakers, visiting lecturers, alumni presenters, and current student discussions on thesis projects and conference attendance
  • Visiting faculty lectures 
  • Trips to local criminal justice facilities and various bureaus

The GSA's goals are to develop student leadership skills, provide networking opportunities with other students and professionals, and offer academic and career selection support. 

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