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A minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate credit is required.  The following courses are required of all students: Advanced Criminal Justice Studies (CRJ 800), Analysis of Criminal Justice Data (CRJ 808), Theories of Criminology and Delinquency, and Research Methods in Criminal Justice (CRJ 888). 

Graduate Course Credit: All 700 level courses have undergraduate counterparts bearing the same last two digits.  The 700 level courses are offered only for graduate level credit and require additional appropriate experiences for all students enrolled.  Students who have previously taken the undergraduate counterpart of these courses at the 500 level will not be permitted to enroll for graduate level credit in the 700 level counterpart. Credit will not be awarded for both the 700 and 500 level of the same course. 

Cross Listed Courses: Some courses are offered under different prefixes with the same course content. Students will not be awarded credit for any course for which they have previously received credit under a cross listed prefix. 

Curriculum for the General Program** 

Core Courses: 12 hours 
CRJ 800, 808, 870, and 888.

Eight Electives or Six Electives plus Thesis: 24 hours 


GRD 897b - (Non-Thesis) 
GRD 898c - (Thesis) 

Total Requirements: 36 hours 

**Course work for CRJ 897 should be arranged and no more than 9 hours will be applied toward the degree. 

Thesis: A thesis is optional in this program. GRD 898c required if thesis is chosen. 

Comprehensive Examination: Students in the non-thesis option are required to pass a written comprehensive examination (GRD 897b). Students in the thesis option are required to pass an oral comprehensive examination in defense of the thesis (GRD 898c).


Students seeking clear admission should meet the following guidelines:  

  • 3.0 minimum undergraduate GPA 

  • 2 letters of recommendation, preferably from someone who knows you academically 

  • A personal statement that details your personal and professional objectives in pursuing a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. This should include your primary and secondary motivations for pursuing this degree, your educational interests, potential research interests, and what you hope to accomplish.

  The Graduate Assistantship and application deadlines are as follows: 

  • July 1 – for the following Fall semester 

  • December 1 – for the following Spring semester 

However, students can still apply and register for classes until classes start each semester, but please ask about funding options. 

Additional information regarding federal loans or scholarships
Ph: (859) 622-2361

or general information on admission and to start an application visit:


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